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Your one advantage......over A.I.

In a previous posts we talked about the ‘fear of being replaced ‘ as AI is going to be faster than you, more reliable than you, I dare say even cheaper than you (you could have a nurse running a consultant clinic) as it will be the ‘clinicians’ co-pilot… ..recording everything …. reminding you on what you’ve forgotten to ask or, do….. giving you a treatment plan. Essentially, A. I. is doing away with experience.

So should you just give up now? Well there’s still one advantage you have over AI … hazard to guess?

Influence …. those who have been on our courses will recall me saying ‘people buy people’….. not qualifications ….most of my negligence reports are those with an M Orth badge ….so that does open the thorny question of why are people so keen to pay for a course that gives a certificate or diploma badge…. It’s not a shield to protect you, but that discussion is for another day.

So, Influence. A computer, no matter how sexy the voice is, attractive the AI generated person is or, compelling the argument it presents, it will not be able to make an impression like you. Rapport will help you in so many ways and is especially important in helping overcome problems like when the biology doesn’t behave (for example, when that palatal canine you’re moving suddenly decides to stop and become ankylosed - we know its not your fault but the patient is still 'pissed' shall we say).

And yet again I refer back to the various ex special forces lads I find myself working with. You learn the importance of rapport from the stories they tell of their ‘intelligence’ gathering’ assignments.

If you want to keep ahead of the robots then I d strongly recommend you invest some time in developing your ‘rapport’ skills, perhaps even in preference to your knowledge skills.

Sometimes the route to success is not what you had planned.

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