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Did video kill the radio star …. but it might help you?

As the song from 80’s goes, video killed the radio star … but it might just save you?

Technology doesn’t always help … despite the rise in Tik Tok, YouTube etc we still have radio/audio as seen with the growth of podcasts .. yes, I know they also make YouTube’s of the podcast but they are of no use when your driving.

So, how can video help in dentistry?  We have already predicted the future rise in video for consent (the Dentinal Tubules event on consent …the quote  “can’t you see from her body language that she’s not consenting” from the lawyer said it all) ….and those who have been on the courses will have seen how video can help (well, its actually essential) in your assessments and treatment planning for certain cases - remember the occlusal cant case?

And we haven’t even mentioned how video will be incorporated into AI to check everything you do (thank you the indemnity companies)

But the aim of today’s blog is that video could help you become more effective and efficient.

I ve been to a couple of clinics to help out and just couldn’t help myself … why are doing it like that and struggling? Try this way…. And that’s the problem, with lack of “in surgery mentoring”  you do it how you think it should be done.  A mentor has years of experience trying all the ways and, refined the process (the un relenting pursuit of excellence as the SF lads would say).

Obviously the problem is that a mentor can’t be everywhere.  But, what about if you video yourself  working for the mentor to give feedback?  Only last week I suggested  to someone that the reason they struggled with that quick lig was due to the chair position...

So with that I’d suggest getting something like an Insta 360 Go

… small discreet …and of course a mentor who’s not so small, or discreet, but happy to try new ways.

And if all else fails, you can become a YouTuber 😉

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